I know that this blog dangerously skirting the line of becoming a fan boy site for Floyd Landis. And while that isn't my intention. When he is in the news its hard not to pay attention. I think he is a fascinating character. On top of all that I think Paul Kimmage is an excellent writer. I've found not only Kimmage's cycling articles through the years fascinating. But his book Rough Ride is excellent. I put it high on the list of great cycling books. If you haven't, do yourself a favor and go read it.
I think one of the biggest beauty's about this article is that it is unedited. Which makes all the difference in the world (as a writer I can attest to being edited can suck all the life out of a piece). So cozy up to your computer screen and read it. You won't be sorry.
The Nyvelocity article.
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