Tuesday, November 22, 2011

This Just Makes Me Smile

I'll have a post up about this last weekend's race hopefully tonight, tomorrow morning at the latest. 

But I wanted to share this video that Brison brought to my attention.

There are many things that I love about this video. Not the least of which is that it features an awesome Jack Russell terrier named Lily.  I love dogs and Jack Russell's imparticular. My family and I have a great JR named Izzy. Even though she's getting old and I don't think there is any way that she could do this stuff now. I bet in her prime she would be giving Lily a run for her money.

Hope you enjoy it on this wet and windy Northwest day.

Rubber side down,

Big E

1 comment:

  1. Very cool. Makes you want to go out and get yourself a JR. :)
